About Us

Focused on meeting the needs of children and families

For more than 50 years, The Bair Foundation has remained steadfast and responsive in its work to bring about meaningful change in the lives of America’s most vulnerable. As a Christian foster care agency, we have provided hope and stability to more than 250,000 children and families in crisis.

Our Approach

Our number one priority is the safety and well-being of all children in our care.

Christian principles of love, compassion, generosity and hope have been incorporated into our training, philosophy and services. As God so loved us and adopted us into His family, we do the same for abused and neglected children who are in need of a temporary or permanent home.

Group Photo Bair National Staff


What We Do

Because we are a therapeutic foster care agency, many of the youth we serve have experienced abuse, trauma and neglect.

The first goal is to prevent out-of-home placements through intervention and by focusing on the strengths of the biological family. When safety is an issue and children must be removed from their home, The Bair Foundation provides intervention and influence that promotes health and well-being in the least restrictive environment while moving toward permanency.

Children are placed with foster parents based on referrals from the counties who have a contract with The Bair Foundation.

Why foster parents choose us

Our dedicated, committed and faith-filled staff go above and beyond to ensure our children and families are getting the best care and services.

Because every child is unique, Individual Service Plans are created with input from every member of the treatment team. The diverse backgrounds, characteristics and needs of foster youth means that foster families of all races, ethnicities and cultures are needed.

We support foster families through the certification process and after the placement is made to ensure their success. Foster families are the agents of change, and they should feel loved, appreciated and valued.

To learn more about becoming a foster parent, contact us today.

History, Mission and Values

Learn about the inspiration behind The Bair Foundation and the biblical principles that guide our work.


Meet the people who lead our organization through their expertise, experience and passion for helping children in need.

Accreditation and Quality Improvement

See how we continuously improve delivery of services to the children, families and communities we work with.

With 250,000 children entering foster care each year, our work is never done.

You can take the first step toward providing the loving home that every kid deserves.

Become a Foster parent