5 Reasons to Become a Foster Parent

The most rewarding journey you'll be part of.

Becoming a foster parent is a big commitment, but it’s also the most rewarding journey you’ll ever be a part of. If you’ve been prayerfully considering opening your heart and home to a child, here are five reasons to become a foster parent, as well as some perspectives from a few of our current foster parents. 

see the world differently

“There is never a ‘perfect time’ to start, but there are kids that need a home right now. It’s all about priorities and making time to love kids from hard places that didn’t choose those places themselves.” Current foster parent, Columbus, OH 

Foster parents are as unique as the children they foster and every child offers a fresh look at the world. Some parents choose to foster teens, while others may feel called to foster medically-fragile children. No matter what kids come through their doors, they are changed for the better.

family on vacation

expand your family

Whether you’ve never had children, are an empty nester, or are single, becoming a foster parent allows you to expand your skill set and grow as a parent.

provide a safe and stable future

According to Casey Family Programs, 84% of children enter foster care due to neglect or other issues such as parental substance abuse or incarceration, or inadequate housing. 

Sometimes biological parents need some help while they take steps to get their lives in order, such as attending drug or alcohol rehabilitation, taking parenting classes, or finding housing. Foster families provide that stability for the children until reunification is possible. 

Foster parents give children space to heal and to just feel like a kid.

grow in unexpected ways

“Foster care is stretching and growing farther than you thought possible to receive blessings bigger than you thought possible.” ~Current foster parent, Kent OH 

Parenting in general can be stressful at times, but it is also rewarding in ways we never expect. From your first placement to seeing a child open up for the first time, the memories you make will be an incredible blessing to you and those around you.

model a loving family

“Getting too attached truly is the point! These kiddos need that kind of connection where they know that they are loved, cared for, and supported. To know that you ARE attached and won’t give up on them.” Foster mom, Kent, OH 

Growing up in a home of anger, abuse, and turmoil is the norm for many kids in foster care but foster parents can show a child what healthy relationships look like and how to treat others with kindness, love, and respect.

foster family having fun

Become a Foster Parent Through The Bair Foundation

Since 1967, The Bair Foundation has been committed to building strong children, strong families, and strong communities. It is through loving foster parents that children have a sense of belonging and a loving home. 

We will never stop fighting for the children who need someone to fight for them. Our children deserve a brighter future, and you can help.

If you are interested in Becoming a Foster Parent, you can request no-obligation information about fostering through The Bair Foundation here and a team member will contact you directly.

Of the 23,000 children who age out of foster care each year, 20 percent become homeless.

Join us in our mission to help children in need before it’s too late.

Become a Foster parent