CAFO Summit 2022
That Every Child Experiences God’s Unfailing Love
Since 1967, The Bair Foundation has served abused and neglected children and teens through Christian foster care, adoption, and family services. We care for the orphaned and vulnerable because Jesus cared for us.
Bair has been a proud partner of the Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO), a driving force in the expansive field of Christian commitment to the most vulnerable children.
We are excited to attend the CAFO Summit in Atlanta, and this year is extra special because we are bringing several foster and adoptive families from a few of our offices as our guests.
It will surely be three days full of learning, inspiration, and fellowship.
More than enough
As a CAFO partner, we too, believe that we all have the ability to do what it takes until there’s more than enough love, parents, resources, etc. in our communities to reach kids in care.
Our community, along with CAFO and its fellow partners, have a shared strategy to provide more than enough loving homes for every child in foster care – including foster, adoptive, and supported biological families.
James 1:27 states, “Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their misfortune and to keep oneself unstained by the world.”
Caring for the vulnerable is one of the purest demonstrations of the gospel the world will ever see.
How you can help
How do we show that we care?
We understand that not everyone can be a foster parent, but everyone can do something to make a difference. You can:
Pray for The Bair Foundation, our staff, and foster families.
Pray for children in care in your community and in our nation.
Invite one of our representatives closest to you to speak with your congregation, Bible study, or group about how you can help kids in foster care who are our modern-day orphans.
stand sunday
We are also looking forward to Stand Sunday coming up on November 13. It’s a time to raise awareness of the needs of vulnerable children and families in their community who are touched by the foster care system. There are so many! It’s a time to equip and empower Christians into active, long-term service to vulnerable children and families, throughout the year.
Become a Foster Parent Through The Bair Foundation
It is beautiful to join a vision beyond a single organization and to see how God works. Our hope is that every child can experience God’s unfailing love through His people.
Together, it is worth pressing on.
Whether God has placed a calling on your life to become a foster parent for a short or extended time or provide support to those foster families or children, our offices near you need to hear from you.
Today, there are more than 120,000 children and teens in foster care who are waiting for the love and security that a permanent home provides. If you are interested in becoming a foster parent, you can request information here and a member from your local Bair office will be in touch.
Of the 23,000 children who age out of foster care each year, 20 percent become homeless.
Join us in our mission to help children in need before it’s too late.
Become a Foster parent