Meet The Fayette Family

“I’m so happy that we didn’t follow our own plan. God’s plan was way better.”

Wanick and Amara Fayette’s journey to becoming foster parents began in 2020 when they wanted to start a traditional family of their own. But, after encountering some difficulties along the way, they felt that God was calling them into foster care. 

Looking back, Wanick says, “It’s a blessing in disguise.” 

Then one day, Amara’s friend from college was talking to her about The Bair Foundation and mentioned the many offices in Pennsylvania. So, Amara went online, discovered there was a Bair office near them. 

Amara thought, “I’ll just request information…that’s all we did. And the next day I got a call,” she recalls. Not long after, they began taking online classes and getting the necessary clearances needed through Bair’s Altoona office.

stepping out in faith

So far, the Fayette’s have opened their home to five kids, and they are also in the process of adopting a 2-year-old girl.

“I’m so happy that we didn’t follow our own plan. God’s plan was way better.” Amara said. “The fact that I would have never met any of these children had we not gone through this process and took this leap of faith… I would not be the same woman that I am today because of that.” 

Wanick says they knew if they didn’t just start, then they probably never would. “My wife was starting nursing school at the time, and I was just starting in seminary. Our schedules were filled.” 

Then, in the middle of fostering their first child, Wanick became the pastor at a second church and now had two congregations to lead. “This took a lot of prayer” he said. 

Looking back, the Fayette’s say becoming foster parents has been one of the greatest decisions of their lives. 

“We love what we do. In the midst of busy work days, the joy of coming home to children who you know you’re impacting the lives of far outweighs the stress, the doubt, the tiredness, and the fears.”

Wanick and Amara Fayette

surprises along the way

Since becoming foster parents, the Fayette’s lives have changed quite a bit but say that this year and a half has been “a true joy”, though not without some wonderful (and unexpected) surprises. 

Wanick says that the most surprising part for him is how much he loves each child that comes into their home, regardless of background, trauma, hurt and what they have been through. “You’re loving them and they just receive that. It’s amazing.” 

In the beginning, Amara wasn’t sure if she would have a connection with the children coming into their home. She began to pray about it and says that she no longer has to worry. “I really believe that it’s truly God… giving me the wisdom, the patience, the love, the care and the words to pour into these children and seeing them grow and feel secure. It’s been amazing.”

a caring community

Nearly half of foster families quit in the first year due to a lack of support, a staggering and heart-breaking statistic.

Amara says she prayed for a community of people to guide them through raising children. Jean and her husband Dan have been foster parents for 47 years and came into Wanick and Amara’s lives at the perfect time.  

“Who should we talk to? Is this normal for a child? How do we handle this?” Amara says Jean has been a great support system as questions come up and a huge help by sharing her wisdom and knowledge along the way, especially in the beginning of their journey. 

When they were becoming foster parents, Wanick was a full-time pastor at two churches, attended graduate school while Amara attended nursing school. 

For those thinking about fostering, or currently going through the process, the Fayette’s advice is to get a community of people that you can lean on. 

At the root of all the laughter, playtime, and dance parties in the living room, Wanick and Amara say they just want their kids to focus on being kids and building happy memories together. 

“This is a safe haven,” says Amara. “A safe and fun haven,” she added.

Become a Foster Parent Through The Bair Foundation

Since 1967, The Bair Foundation has been committed to building strong children, strong families, and strong communities. It is through loving foster parents that children have a sense of belonging and a loving home.  

We are doing all we can, but we can’t do it alone. The Bair Foundation is always seeking outstanding people to join our team. We will never stop fighting for the children who need someone to fight for them. We need all hands on deck to help these children become who they want to be. Give kids in foster care a chance. Give The Bair Foundation a chance to provide you with such an honor. Become Foster Parents. Our children deserve a brighter future. 

If you are interested in becoming a foster parent, you can request no-obligation information about fostering at The Bair Foundationhere, or fill out the form below and a team member from your local office will contact you directly.

There are over 400,000 children in U.S. foster care and over 100,000 children available for adoption.

We need your help to stop horrific child abuse and neglect. We are doing all we can, but we just can’t do it alone.

Become a Foster parent