November is National Adoption Month
Meet the Higdon Family
November is National Adoption Month and there are currently over 100,000 children in the United States waiting to be adopted. Some wait months, or even years.
In addition, about 23,000 youth age out of foster care at the age of 18 without the safety and security of a family.
Eric Higdon grew up in a big family and his parents often talked about fostering, so it was always something he was aware of and thought about possibly pursuing in the future.
Then in 2018, he and his wife, Hollianne, went on a mission trip to Guatemala where they spent time working in orphanages.
They returned home, yet felt a heavy burden and found themselves asking, “What can we do to help the children that are in our community?”
As it turns out, there was a Bair office near the Higdon’s so they decided to reach out and the rest, as they say, is history.
“We were hooked from the first meeting we had,” Eric said.
That was nearly four years ago. Since then, they have opened their home to 13 children and they’re not done yet.
They currently have five foster children and recently adopted Rayn, who was placed with them when she was just three days old.
foster care and further education
The Higdon’s shared their story during our time at the CAFO Summit. We asked Eric and Hollianne what their hopes, dreams, and prayers are for kids in foster care in their community. Hollianne didn’t hesitate.
“My hope for all the kids in foster care, is to be able to go to college and to be empowered to be able to go to college. I want them to feel that they can do it, to have that confidence and support.”
The statistics are staggering. Only 2.5% of children who grow up in foster care graduate from a 4-year college.
Hollianne, a teacher and doctorate student, hopes that she can be a good example for their children.
“To get any type of further education… that’s a big need in foster care.”
The children and teens waiting in the foster care system have often spent years in and out of foster homes.
We believe every child deserves the opportunity to grow up in a safe and loving environment.
As a foster parent or foster-to-adoptive parent, you have the power to change the course of a child’s life for the better… and forever.
The Higdon’s advice and encouragement to anyone thinking about fostering or adopting is simple. “First of all, do it”, says Eric. “But be prepared to learn and be prepared to maybe embrace some of the pain so that you can learn to grow in that.”
Hollianne said she didn’t realize how much she would love foster care until they actually began the journey.
“When you walk in the door, you’re my kid.”
The Higdon’s have opened their home to kids as young as two days old, up to 13 years old and they love having a range of ages. No matter how old the children are, or how long they stay, Eric and Hollianne love, support, and protect each precious child.
Providing a safe, stable home to waiting children is perhaps the biggest benefit of foster care adoption. As a foster-to-adopt parent, the significant impact you make on your child will last a lifetime, allowing them to thrive and grow into a healthy, confident, and independent adult.
Visit our website to find a Bair office near you, or learn more about our adoption services.
Of the 23,000 children who age out of foster care each year, 20 percent become homeless.
Join us in our mission to help children in need before it’s too late.
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